Movement & Unconventional Training

Learn the art of swinging and safe training with Kettlebells, Macebells, and Indian Clubs, and tap into the power of unconventional training to unlock your full potential.

Our approach extends beyond conventional training methods, incorporating innovative and unconventional techniques that push your body and mind in new ways. From functional movements and bodyweight exercises to agility drills and unique equipment, we offer a dynamic training or rehabilitation experience.

Discover how exercising with unconventional tools can significantly enhance core strength and kinetic muscle chains while improving overall strength or aiding in injury recovery.

Both Kettlebells and Macebellstraining can provide a low-impact workout, making it an excellent option for individuals with joint pain or injuries. Additionally, these tools can be used at home or in a gym, making them accessible to individuals with limited time or resources.

Led by an MSK and Sports Physiotherapist, this class is fully customised to your starting level and tailored to address any potential injuries or misalignments.