The Postnatal Belly SolutionPrograms

Would you like to regain shape, strength, and confidence after childbirth?

You are in the right place.

Discover the evidence-based 3-Step System helping mothers regain a strong and capable body while thriving in their motherhood journey

If you are tired of confusing information and ‘do-it-yourself’ postnatal courses, explore the Postnatal Belly Solution™ programs.

An effective 3-step system uniquely designed to rebuild a strong and confident body, while nurturing discipline and a successful mindset.

Enjoy the benefits of a structured approach tailored to your needs, goals and starting level.

This IS for you if:

  • You are a new mom, unsure about the most effective steps to recover and return to your favorite activities

  • You're eager to rebuild strength but worried about tearing and potential injuries.

  • You’re overwhelmed by all the information online and don’t know where to start

  • You have done tons of Pilates, cardio, and abs workouts but you haven’t seen the results you wanted

  • You are struggling with pelvic floor symptoms, poor belly control, and weakness

  • You want to stop feeling bloated and worrying about looking pregnant even several months post-partum

  • You are tired of quick-fix solutions promising miraculous results

  • You’ve done all the “right” things, including seeing a professional, but you are still feeling weak and conditioned

  • You are fully committed to prioritizing your health and wellbeing

  • You are ready to embark on an empowering wellbeing journey

The 3-Step Process


Connect with your mind and body to set the foundations to regain your desired shape and strength


Build discipline, confidence and balance to feel great in your body and achieve long-lasting results…


Thrive in your mama-life with knowledge and empowerment, leaving behind frustrations and confusion…

The Programs

BASIC Program

Ideal for both new and seasoned mothers who maintained an active lifestyle pre-baby and would like guidance to reintegrate physical activities into their routine safely.

This program is also suitable for individuals experiencing new or pre-existing aches and pains, providing tailored guidance and treatments for a smooth return to fitness.


Tailored for new or experienced moms who are ready to build strength and confidence in their bodies post-baby but lacking experience in exercise.

This program offers a supportive starting point for individuals who may feel uncertain about where to begin.

It is also suitable for those experiencing new or pre-existing aches and pains, offering fundamental techniques to address discomfort.


Tailored for mothers at any stage facing pelvic floor issues, diastasis recti, and other common postnatal challenges, this program provides comprehensive guidance and support for addressing these concerns while regaining strength, confidence, and shape.

It is also ideal to heal from any new or existing aches and pains and promote overall wellbeing.

All programs include:

> Initial Consultation and Action Plan

> One-to-one training and progression sessions (frequency and number of sessions are based on the type of plan)

> Group Q&A live calls on-demand

> Personalized weekly training plan on the App, tailored to address your unique postnatal recovery needs and support your return to optimal function

> Full access to a 3-Modules digital course featuring mobility, core and strength exercises, postural and ergonomic tips, breathing and mindset techniques, and much more

> Direct WhatsApp/App support 

Unlimited access to 'Motherhood In Motion' Community 

> Engagement with a global community of mothers

> Nutritional consultation and diet plan/review (included in the Comprehensive plan only but can also be added to other programs upon request)

What you'll achieve:

> A comprehensive understanding of your body's mechanics, focusing on pelvic floor and core functionality, with actionable strategies for effective engagement.

> Efficient and functional abdominal strength and shape

> Enhanced pelvic floor resilience, muscular balance, and overall health to overcome potential symptoms such as pain, leaking, and heaviness.

> Increased body strength and control facilitating daily tasks and family care with ease.

> Ability to perform optimal pressure management and proper breathing techniques for enhanced core stability and stress relief

> Techniques for optimal sitting, standing, and walking, as well as safe methods for handling and playing with your baby and kids.

> Guidance on correct exercise performance and a smooth transition or start into physical activities

> Established positive health routines for sustained results and personal empowerment.

> Cultivation of discipline, a positive mindset, and motivation for long-lasting, successful mind-body outcomes

Would you like to learn more about the Postnatal Belly Solution Programs?

Book a free call.

We'll delve into your current situation, goals, and concerns, crafting a customized plan tailored to your needs. Together, we'll explore if and how we can collaborate to achieve optimal results.

Would you like to discover how we help moms to safely regain shape, strength, and confidence while nurturing a successful mindset?

Watch my free masterclass!